class ClusteringReader


Public Methods

[more] ClusteringReader ()
[more]virtual ~ClusteringReader ()
[more]virtual const char* toString () const
Returns name of class.
[more]virtual XMLIO_Element* XMLIO_startTag (const string& tag, XMLIO_Attributes& attributes)
[more]virtual void XMLIO_endTag (const string& tag)
[more]Clustering* readCluster (const string& filename)

Private Fields

[more]bool done
[more]Clustering* sccs

Inherited from XMLIO_Document:

Public Fields

oXMLIO_string characters
oXMLIO_Element* current_element
oXMLIO_stack<XMLIO_Element*> element_stack
ochar* indent

Public Methods

ovoid changeIndent(int change)
ovoid setIndent(int new_indent)
oint close()
oint flush() const
oint open(const XMLIO_string& filename, const XMLIO_string& access_mode)
oint open(FILE* file, const XMLIO_string& my_access_mode)
oint readDocument()
oint write(const XMLIO_strstream& char_data) const
oint write(const XMLIO_string& char_data) const
oint write(const char* text) const
oint writef(const char* templ, ...) const
oint writeEndl() const
oint writeEndlIndent() const
oint writeElement(XMLIO_Element* element)
oint writeComment(const char* templ, ... ) const
oint writeCDSect(const XMLIO_string& CDSect) const
oint writeIndent() const
oint writeEndTag(const XMLIO_string& tag) const
oint writeStartTag(const XMLIO_string& tag) const
oint writeStartTag(const XMLIO_string& tag, const XMLIO_Attributes& attributes) const

Protected Fields

oXMLIO_string xml_filename

Protected Methods

ovirtual int XMLIO_writeProlog()
ovirtual int XMLIO_writeXMLDeclaration()
ovirtual int XMLIO_writeDocTypeDeclaration()
ovirtual int XMLIO_writeTrailer()

Private Fields

oFILE* xml_file
oXMLIO_AccessMode access_mode
oXMLIO_FileType xml_file_type
omutable int current_indent
ochar* indent_block

Private Methods

oint writeAttribute(const XMLIO_string& key, const XMLIO_string& value) const
oint writeAttributes(const XMLIO_Attributes& attributes) const
oint writeEmptyElement(const XMLIO_string& tag) const
oint writeEmptyElement(const XMLIO_string& tag, const XMLIO_Attributes& attributes) const

Private Members

oenum XMLIO_AccessMode
oenum XMLIO_FileType

Inherited from XMLIO_Element:

Public Fields

oXMLIO_string tag
oXMLIO_Attributes attributes
oXMLIO_IndentationType xmlio_indent_type

Public Methods

ovirtual void XMLIO_getCharacters(const XMLIO_string& characters)
ovirtual void XMLIO_getComment(const XMLIO_string& comment)
ovirtual void XMLIO_getProcessingInstruction(const XMLIO_string& target, const XMLIO_string& instructions)
ovirtual void XMLIO_finishedReading()
ovirtual bool XMLIO_remove() const
ovirtual const int XMLIO_writeContent(XMLIO_Document& doc)
ovirtual const XMLIO_string& XMLIO_getName() const
ovirtual XMLIO_Attributes& XMLIO_getAttributes()
ovirtual bool XMLIO_isEmpty() const
ovirtual void print() const


o ClusteringReader()
Constructor. Open XML source from file.

ovirtual ~ClusteringReader()

ovirtual const char* toString() const
Returns name of class.

ovirtual XMLIO_Element* XMLIO_startTag(const string& tag, XMLIO_Attributes& attributes)

ovirtual void XMLIO_endTag(const string& tag)

oClustering* readCluster(const string& filename)

obool done

oClustering* sccs

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