class DECLSPEC XMLIO_Document |
Base class for document handling (see XML Spec [1]).
XMLIO_string | characters Buffer to store all incoming characters. |
XMLIO_Element* | current_element Current element, which gets all characters and start tag events for further processing. |
XMLIO_stack<XMLIO_Element*> | element_stack Stack with all elements. |
char* | indent Blanks ('current_indent' many). |
XMLIO_Document () Constructor. | |
virtual | ~XMLIO_Document () Destructor. |
virtual const char* | toString () const Returns name of class. |
void | changeIndent (int change) Changes current indentation by given value. |
void | setIndent (int new_indent) Sets current indentation to given value. |
int | close () Closes file and clears stack. |
int | flush () const Flushes file stream. |
int | open (const XMLIO_string& filename, const XMLIO_string& access_mode) Opens XML file with given filename. |
int | open (FILE* file, const XMLIO_string& my_access_mode) Uses given C stream for input or output of document. |
int | readDocument () Reads opened file and passes events to appropriate XML_Element objects. |
int | write (const XMLIO_strstream& char_data) const Writes character data (XML Spec [14]) from a strstream to file. |
int | write (const XMLIO_string& char_data) const Writes character data (XML Spec [14]) from a string to file. |
int | write (const char* text) const Writes character data (XML Spec [14]) to file. |
int | writef (const char* templ, ...) const Writes character data (XML Spec [14]) to file and behaves like fprintf. |
int | writeEndl () const Writes \n character and flushes buffer. |
int | writeEndlIndent () const Writes \n character, flushes buffer and writes indentation of the following line. |
int | writeElement (XMLIO_Element* element) Writes an element (XML Spec [39]). |
int | writeComment (const char* templ, ... ) const Writes a comment to file. |
int | writeCDSect (const XMLIO_string& CDSect) const Writes a character data section to file. |
int | writeIndent () const Writes indentation. |
int | writeEndTag (const XMLIO_string& tag) const Writes '</tagName>' to file (XML Spec [42]). |
int | writeStartTag (const XMLIO_string& tag) const Writes '<tagName>' to file (XML Spec [40]). |
int | writeStartTag (const XMLIO_string& tag, const XMLIO_Attributes& attributes) const Writes '<tagName attr1="key1" attr2="key2" . |
XMLIO_string | xml_filename Name of opened file. |
FILE* | xml_file XML file stream. |
XMLIO_AccessMode | access_mode Access mode. |
XMLIO_FileType | xml_file_type Type of opened file. |
mutable int | current_indent Current number of blanks for indentation. |
char* | indent_block Memory chunk with blanks and trailing \0. |
int | writeAttribute (const XMLIO_string& key, const XMLIO_string& value) const Writes 'attr="key"' to file (XML Spec [41]). |
int | writeAttributes (const XMLIO_Attributes& attributes) const Writes 'attr1="key1" attr2="key2" . |
int | writeEmptyElement (const XMLIO_string& tag) const Writes '<tagName/>' to file (XML Spec [44]). |
int | writeEmptyElement (const XMLIO_string& tag, const XMLIO_Attributes& attributes) const Writes '<tagName attr1="key1" attr2="key2" . |
enum | XMLIO_AccessMode READ: File opened for reading. |
enum | XMLIO_FileType File types which can be processed by xmlio. |
Base class for document handling (see XML Spec [1]). This is not the root element, the root element should be instatiated in XMLIO_startTag The prolog is not yet fully supported.
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